As we begin to wind up our time in China and prepare for our trip back to the U.S. with the newest addition to our family, we are completing all the requirements here in Guangzhou, including lots of paperwork, Emily's physical exam, and a whole lot of shopping!!!!
We are very happy to report that everything is complete, and tomorrow we go to The U.S. Consulate for Emily's oath taking!!
This place was organized chaos...lots of screaming babies!
"This should be fun... Why are these people in white coats
looking at me like that?"
More pokes and prodding.... When will they be through??
The doctor reviewing Emily's hands.
Emily wasn't in the mood to show off her dexterity and abilities.
We are still amazed by what this girl can do without thumbs!
"How many trees have we killed throughout this paperchase?"
They actually walk the streets with these large baskets!
The peaches looked amazing - figs I could live without.
Could they be any cuter? The bond is getting deeper!
Watermelon anyone?? I think this would be a great
summer job for Harrison in Monroeville!
That's my kind of necklace!!!
We have been having lots of rain from the storm pushing through Hong Kong. The rainy days in the hotel room make me very ready to be home. I miss the children so much, and am anxious to have them meet Emily. But at the same time, it is a bit bittersweet. This time in China has been amazing. When will we ever spend 2 weeks alone with Emily and Harrison. She has needed this time so very much. My prayer now is that she able to find her place in our family and our home. She is doing better with each passing day. We have our moments, but all in all she is a pure delight.
When we didn't see a new post for a couple of days, I figured you were shopping!
By the way, Christine, you look great in pearls. The first time we met you, you were wearing a single strand of beautiful pearls...and eyes glowing with your love for Gef!
Can't wait to see you back in the states! Enjoy the last few days of your "honeymoon" with Emily.
I LOVE the pic of you with the pearls. You are cute as a button in that pic!!! And your dress is pretty cute, too.
Harrison, I love seeing and hearing how you have bonded with your new sister. I know your mom and dad are so thankful they brought you along. We missed you at the beach, too.
The Boivin family is ready and waiting to receive you back with open arms. I've been checking your blog daily and I feel like I know Emily already. I can't wait to meet her in person. I'm thinking about you guys and praying for a safe trip home. Love you all!
We are so ready to have our newest neighbor home, and Ryann really misses the kids, especially "Carolineeee" as she calls Caroline. We can't wait to meet Emily and hope you all have a safe and pleasant trip home. All is good at home, enjoy the rest of your trip and special time bonding.
Angela, Michael and Ryann
Great pics, Christine! I can imagine your heart must hurt to see your other children, but yes what a sweet time you're having with Emily and Harrison! God works it all out and soon you will have everyone together as one big happy (partly jet-lagged) family! ;)
Praying you home....
Harrison -
I'm so proud of you. You've demonstrated what a big brother should be to his little sister. (First with Caroline and now Emily) I can tell from the pictures that Emily adores you. Your precense in China has helped make Emily's assimilation into your family easier. You've represented your siblings well on this trip!
Uncle Dave
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