
Our precious little insomniac....

We mentioned in an earlier blog post that it's not uncommon for an adopted toddler to have sleep issues.  Emily does eventually fall asleep and sleep quite well once she's "down for the count," but it's her extreme aversion to the idea of sleep that is such a challenge.  So, she's really not an insomniac but rather an "insomniphobe."  

Others who have gone before us as adoptive parents have shared their stories, and we know that Emily will eventually settle into a routine.

In the meantime, this girl does not like to go to bed!  She cries, screams, wails, and cries a river....  It is very disconcerting to see her this way, and we appreciate your prayers as we ask for wisdom as to the best approach.

As you can see, once she eventually falls asleep (which often is sitting or standing up), she's like a little angel, and once asleep, she really does sleep well....

Today we arrived uneventfully in Guangzhou!  We'll keep you posted....


Pajama Mama said...

So glad to hear you arrived safely! How was the plane ride?

What precious pics of Emily sleeping....so sweet.

Anonymous said...

I hope the sleeping situation gets better! That has to be tough hearing her cry everytime.
Glad you arrived safely in Guangzhou!

Rebecca Lily said...

What a sad little face!!! :( I'll be praying that you have wisdom to handle this!! She looks like an angel when she is sleeping. :) So peaceful!! You'd never have known she had thrown such a fuss about going to bed. :)

Hope for Lucy said...

Our God is an Awesome God! He Reigns from Heaven Above! Wow, to see another Jiangxi girl come home to Alabama is the coolest thing I can think of right now. Emily is precious. I pray that Jesus comforts her each night with a peace that is unending and immeasurable. Our little Lily Grace is from Yongxui Social Welfare Institute in northern Jiangxi. Thanks for the photos of Nanchang. What a magical time that was for us and I'm sure for your family as well. Beyond everything else, remember "Jesus Loves You!" We pray for your safe return.

Love Green, Party of Five

lisa said...

We will continue to pray for Emily's sleeping pattern to improve and become more regular. I know you all are excited to have received Emily's passport, and finally get to the next part of your trip. Take care. God Bless You--Lisa