
The Latest from Nanchang....

We're just about 15 hours into this new relationship, and although at first it seemed like someone had nailed Emily's feet in place (she literally stood in the same place for hours), she slowly grew a little more comfortable with us and our very broken Chinese phrases.  

It came as no surprise that she was desperately in need of a bath and some fresh clothes.  She cried when it was time to go to sleep and a little in the night.  

At times she looks a bit confused and frightened (kidnapped), but she seems to sense our love and care for her, and she has managed to crack a few smiles.  She is becoming more interactive, and her dexterity with four fingers is amazing.  

This has been challenging and has required a fair amount of effort.  We are constantly reminded of the great lengths that God has gone to in order to adopt us as sons and daughters....


Bo, Becky, and Sophie said...

Checking in from Alabama!! Emily is just precious. We know that you all are overflowing with emotion and love for Emily. We continue to pray for you!

Bo and Becky

Ben said...

We are so happy for you ALL! We continue to pray for Emily and you guys as you begin your new relationship. Thank you for sharing this with all of us. We love you guys bunches.
rejoicing with you,
Ben, Mary Kate, Noah, Lindsey and Lily Grace

Demetrius and Amy said...

How wonderful to see you and Emily together in this photograph. It's been a long wait and there you are together. Many prayers being lifted for your new relationship with your daughter.

Amy Summerville

Pajama Mama said...

"More pictures" seems to be the consensus on the home front here!!!!

Andrea said...

Its O.K. Mama. Every day gets better and better. Just wait til you see that first smile and hear the first little giggle! I am thrilled for you guys. We are praying for ya'll. Enjoy every minute. It goes by so fast.

Sending Love From Down South.

Andrea, Stacy, Caleb, Hannah,Ben, Rachel, and Mary Elizabeth

Rebecca Lily said...

I'm sure it will take time for her to adjust, but really, she is doing SO well! I didn't realize she had a limb difference - our son Owen has a similar special need, he is missing all of his fingers on his left hand.

Blessings to your family as you continue to bond & love on little Emily. :) She is beyond precious.


lisa said...

Hello Fahys!
It's the Surgery girls. Since we don't have any surgery for you today, we were all able to view your blog this morning. Emily is sooo sweet, and we are all in tears(joyful tears). We all cannot wait to meet her and everyone is volunteering to babysit(Emily)haha! Harrison was so perfect playing with her, I know they already have a special bond. Take care and God Bless you--Lisa and the Surgery gals