As we finish up an honest night's work I think of little Emily who has very little understanding of what is about to take place. We received a recent picture of her, and she looks so sweet and happy. She's in foster care, and although she lives in an impoverished setting, by all reports she is well cared for.
The Lord has impressed on my heart that although we will be able to offer her many more creature comforts and a more prosperous future in this world, the only thing of truly lasting value that we have to offer her is unconditional love and the gospel.
Yes, we can buy her nicer clothes, and yes, she will grow up in a nicer dwelling, but these things will pass away. Our desire is to reach, nurture, and protect her precious heart for God's glory....
Emily's Ba Ba
God bless your family and Emily, I pray the Lord will bless you for taking this child to be your own. Jesus said that what ever we do to the least of these we have done it to Him.
In His love,
This is so TRUE. The best thing we can do for our children is to point them to the gospel! What a privilege it will be for you & Christine to be able to impress His love on little Emily's heart. Adoption is such a beautiful thing. Not only does it provide for the physical needs of a child, but in God's providence, many times it provides for their spiritual needs as well, when they are adopted into a Christian family.
I'll be praying for you all! I can't wait until you meet Emily!!!
P.S. I love the picture. She is such a sweetie!!
What a little Angel she is...
There's no doubt she'll be loved and loved and loved some more in your home.
love your site. can't wait to follow your journey!!!
What a beautiful little pumpkin.
I hope that you have a wonderful time. I'm am excited for you , and we will be praying for you in our home in rural Mississippi. :)
I'm so excited for you! We'll keep you in our prayers. We pray God's peace on you and His protection for your travels. May you sense His presence as you journey to that precious little Emily. God Bless You!
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