
Traveling, Visiting, Thanksgiving, and Skiing!!

Life continues to be quite busy.  What a great trip to Virginia for Thanksgiving!!  It was great to see so many friends and relatives.  Here is a random assortment of the many pictures that captured our fun trip....

Breakfast with cousins.  Emily met Hunter and Owen for the first time!

A day in Mamont Park with the Carrolls...

P. F. Changs--yum--no MSG please.....

Someone in this picture just turned 44....

Hopefully hair curling doesn't become a part of Harrison's daily grooming routine....
H&H had so much fun together...

Uncle Dave cookin' up his famous breakfast sandwiches.... Can anyone recommend a good cardiologist?

Brett Favre has nothin' on Mary Kate Hester.....

Cousins together again...

Coloring cousins...

So good to see Aunt Kass who met Emily for the first time!

What a crew!  Who feeds all these kids?!

Lots of snow on Snowshoe Mountain!!

This image gives new meaning to the term "frozen smile".


KateVonGlahn said...

Looks like a lot of fun. Cousins are something special. I'm glad they all got to be together.

Melanie said...

What a beautiful family!
Our family enjoys skiing, too.
We take an annual Christmas trip to CO during Christmas break.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the updated pictures! We love following the Fahy family adventures! Blessings, Carol B.

Andrea said...

Wow! looks like sooo much fun!
great pictures!

Emily looks like she is doing great.


Pajama Mama said...

Harrison's curly hair. HYSTERICAL.