
Finally...We Post Some New Pictures and An Update....

We, the backslidden bloggers (lol), have received some hate mail...please don't hate us because we are not faithfully updating like we promised (and hoped). I don't have any good excuse for not blogging! I want to be able to cover the  last 3 months and that just isn't possible. So, I will post some pictures from the past months and strive to do better!

We have been amazed by how well Emily is fitting into our crazy family. She has a very spunky personality and she lights up a room with her smile. Each of her siblings have become new and fun playmates (each with their own special flair). We are witnessing Emily "mothering" her babies and showing them tender love. Her attachment to us is growing with each passing day. All of our prayers are being answered regarding her bonding.  Thank you Lord.  We have visited our share of physicians since our return from China. It looks like Emily will undergo a cardiovascular procedure (closure of a patent ductus arteriosis) done in the cath lab sometime in the beginning of the year. Next week we will see a pediatric hand specialist at UAB for an evaluation. We are so thankful that we can provide her with great medical care in this country.

We do have 5 other children that deserve some equal "air time." It has been a busy fall with 4 of them playing soccer, and Conner playing football. Our days have been spent on the soccer field, and in the bleachers cheering them all on. Even though at times it has been hectic, I love the opportunity to watch them all be challenged through athletics.  It is a joy to sit on the sidelines and be their number one cheerleader.

School has been busy as well. We are so thankful that God provided a wonderful teacher, Miss Alice, to help me home school the boys this year.  Alice is so understanding of "life happening" in the midst of "doing school".  Emily enjoys sitting at the school table for bible reading and prayer each morning.  She puts her hands together when she hears the word pray!  Caroline is loving her K4 class. She is working hard writing all of her letters and beginning to blend sounds. 

We have had several guests come and visit this fall. We so appreciate everyone who has stood with us through our adoption journey...we are so blessed!

Hopefully the updates will be more frequent...sit back and enjoy the pictorial update!!  Below are a few more snapshots of our gang....


Unknown said...

such a precious little girl with such an amazing loving family.

Pajama Mama said...


Love those beach shots..

Hannah Hoffmann said...

It's good to see you all are doing well. I can't tell who is who anymore with the boys. They are all so big!

Demetrius and Amy said...

Yaay! Thanks for the update. Love to see your happy family. Sounds like you guys have been super busy but also having fun. Great to hear from you too!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update! I love following the Fahy adventures! :) Carol B.